In local racing, competition is a good thing.
Gener has taken on the bold responsibility of starting up a team.
I have known Gener for a long time. We've had our ups and downs, but we know the deal!
I'm proud of what he and all at SR racing are doing. It's a LOT of work!
With a lot of smaller teams growing up, 07 could prove to be the most exciting and competitive season in quite some time!
I feel honored, and priviledged to have exclusive rights to making this available to the public.
I am currently coming up with 20 questions as an interview. If any of ya'll out there have any questions you'd like to submit for consideration, email me
SR Racing of Chesapeake, VA
Active Members:
Robert Dinterman 12/31/2007
B (Gene) Fowler 12/31/2007
Robert Frank 12/31/2007
Danny Glover Jr 12/31/2007
Keith Johnson 12/31/2007
Tyler Karnes 12/31/2007
Terry Lovell 12/31/2007
Gene Rutledge 12/31/2007
Bryan Sorrell 12/31/2007
Upon doing a search, Wikipedia gave me this brief and interesting descript...
S.R. RA slippery abbreviation, with two different meanings:
. As a trade name, it is an alternate form of Sakae Ringyo, a major Japanese
maker of aluminum parts, particularly cranks and seat posts. In the 1990's,
they bought what was left of the bankrupt Sun Tour, and are now known as
SR-Sun Tour.
. The abbreviation "S.R." is also commonly used in want ads for older racing
bicycles, where it refers to the old top-of-the-line Campagnolo Super Record