Amphib Assault
People have axed, "where's the Blog?" I say Facebook killed the Blog!
It's true but I have kept this thing afloat and I will try to throw some fun stuff up from time to time.
Today was the amphib assault crit put on by my team.
At first the weather was typical for this race with the sun and heat, but the wind was non existent. Until the freaky black clouds rolled in dumping giant droplets of rain down on us.
I must admit, it made my race so much more fun. Otherwise it would have been boring.
I had a pretty good time doing a roadie event which I haven't been doing much of this year. Been having a blast going back to my roots in the dirt! It was a great workout and hopefully put some speed in the legz. I enjoyed watching all of the other races.
Here's a few of my pics!
Some other pics can be found here Mike Parks Picasa
and here Bob & BJ's SmugMug